The person who saves money by not advertising is like the man who stops the clock to save time
— In today's fast-paced, high-tech age, businesses have to use some form of advertising to make prospects aware of their products and services.

Shift your company into the growth mode.

Things to keep in mind when building business:  

Strategy - A focus on spending time building a firm foundation, based on strategy, before proposing a series of tactics aimed at lifting traffic is a must. The context of how your company’s ideal customer views what you do will determine whether or not it will, in effect, render the competition irrelevant.
Objectives - Your highest payoff work and your most pressing objectives should be based on where you want to be in a year, in three years, in five years – not next week. Objectives and goals should be prioritized and kept small and attainable at any given time.
Resource Gaps - Sometimes in the “do it all yourself” world of small business it’s difficult to spot the areas that require outside help.  Focusing on the on work that will produce a high payoff regarding company growth and realizing that outsourcing the duties that may be better handled by others is a must.
Rate of Conversion - In order for your company to realize an upward growth, you must first figure out how to get visitors to your website and respond to your call action.  Prospects that respond to your sales presentation and purchase, build a significant business.  Once you have conversion trending upwards you can buy traffic confident in the fact that you can bank on conversions.